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Bred for Performance

Homo polled, red factor LT Ledger bull. Nulla is breeding consistently within our herd. Soft, thick and docile progeny. Nulla is leaving his legacy here at Curragindi.
We are excited to be offering sons of Nulla in our 2nd Annual Sale on the Monaro - 15th of September 2023 on AuctionsPlus
Semen available for private sale
TOP 5% OF BREED - Calving Ease Direct, Birthweight, Rib Fat, Rump Fat
A thick, long powerful son of Rosedale Gerty V97. The Gerty female line is known for their neat udders, exceptional disposition, and structural integrity
The first sons of Curragindi Awesome are offered in our 2nd Annual Sale on the Monaro 15th of September 2023 on AuctionsPlus
TOP 15% OF BREED - 400-Day Weight
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